Friday, 28 January 2011

Interview with a Volunteer Treasurer.

Volunteer treasurer roles are always demanding, no matter how small the organisation is. We spoke to the volunteer Treasurer of a local kindergarten about the role and found that the frustrations and responsibilities were just as difficult to manage.  

What frustrations have you found as Treasurer?

• Often it can be hard to find and space to work with minimal distractions when I come in because other people also need to use the office space or equipment. Alternative work spaces in the kindergarten complex can also get quite busy and noisy especially because I work while the children are having their sessions.

• Invoices and receipts are not always in the correct files and I get annoyed when I have to hunt for them. There are too many people handling too much paperwork and not everyone knows what they are doing with it.

• We use the paper cheque system here and I find it slow and frustrating, especially when trying to catch up with the Director when I need cheques signed so that I can post them out.  

• We don’t have a petty cash system for the staff to use so they pay for small items themselves and furnish me with a receipt. I then have to write cheques for small amounts to reimburse them.

What changes would you make if you could?

• If I had the choice I would change from the paper cheque system to online bank transfers because it is cheaper and easier. There seems to be a lot of double handling with the cheque system.

• I would like to have petty cash on hand for the staff to use. That brings its own problems, of course, but it will still be cheaper in the long run.

• I would like to be able to pick up the files I need at a set time each week and process them in my home office. If we used the online model I could work at any place at any time and probably be far more productive.

• A simple online system would be easier to manage.  All the committee members would be able to see at a glance what was going on although I don't think they should be allowed to alter it.  That responsibility should stay with the Treasurer.

I look at the issues confronting this treasurer and see the solution in front of me. Admin Bandit software will overcome most of the issues that treasurers have to deal with and will produce your reports for you on demand. At 25c per day even the smallest NFP can afford the software. In fact, for 25c per day you can't afford to be without it.