Wednesday 28 August 2013

The Results Of The 2013 Associations Matter Study

The results of the 2013 Associations Matter Study have just been released and they are interesting reading. The survey has found that there is likely to be an increase in demand for professional associations in the near future.

The AuSAE states that “Whilst members still join for networking opportunities and the credibility that membership affords them, the study found that their main reason for joining is for access to relevant information - they are looking to their association to be the leading, authoritative source of news about their profession.

Additionally, the study found that members also want their association to promote their profession to the general public and advocate for qualified, accredited professionals.”

The findings show that members want their association to provide clear leadership and education in their fields.  Up and coming members are looking to gain professional standing and credibility by joining an association.  The collection and dissemination of current knowledge and information is going to be vital to the association’s success.

As a volunteer treasurer, how concerned are you at having professional recognition for what you do?  Would it be tempting to join an association which gave you a form of certification and education?

What sort of education or leadership would you expect from your professional association? 

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