Tuesday 26 January 2016

NFP Treasurers' Awards 2016

If you are reading this, there is a good chance you know full well how much time and energy goes into being a treasurer for a volunteer organisation. No one does it for the glory, but instead to offer service and energy to a worthwhile cause or group in their community.

As a token of appreciation for the endless hours and ongoing sacrifices treasurers make to keep organisations 'in business', Our Community and the Commonwealth Bank established the Not-for-Profit Treasurers' Awards.

These awards honour and highlight the work of three treasurers each year who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to ensure “good financial management, good financial governance and good financial outcomes.”

If you or somebody in your team deserves to be recognised for their contribution, be sure to nominate them when the competition opens in February. Consider signing up for the Our Community newsletter, Our Community Matters, to keep up with the initiative.

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